How to Get Involved


Donations can be made direct to help with purchase of tools and equipment for trail work. Thanks for thinking of us!



Volunteers are an integral part of our organization, they are what make Back Country Horsemen of Iowa so special and unique!

Regardless of what you can do, you are a valuable asset to all horseman across our beautiful state. Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) has worked on trails for years across the country, and the South Western Chapter concentrates it's efforts to the local area, and offers assistance where needed.


The areas we are currently working on are:


Waubonsie State Park

Pierce Creek Recreational Area

Hacklebarney Woods

White Rock Conservancy


We invite you to become a part of our chapter, to meet other trail riders, and participate in trail maintenance projects. You will learn about our impact on trails and be a beneficial part of a positive force in managing our national heritage.

No amount of help is too small or unappreciated. We are all needed to keep our trails available to horses, mules, and trail riding. Together we can be advocates for the preservation of beauty our land and trails deserve.



Here at BCHIA we understand that not everybody can work the trail but your membership is an invaluable resource, regardless of your participation and expertise.


Join the South Western Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Iowa today and begin making a difference!